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APRC Minutes, February 11, 2016
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
February 11, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, Isaac Lombard and Gordon Webber
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the January 14, 2016 meeting were approved with corrections.
Warrant Article.  At the February 10 budget hearing the Selectboard voted 2-1 to support the warrant article to request $30,000 from the Capital Reserve Account to purchase the two remaining light towers, A1 and A2, from MUSCO Sports Lighting to complete Phase 2 of the Shea Field lighting project, with Mike Genest and John Robertson voting in favor and Gordon Webber opposed.     
Shea Field
Maintenance.  Celeste looked into ordering safety pads for the five towers. Since printing “Shea Field” on each pad would be far more expensive than printing “Antrim,” the Commission voted to proceed with “Antrim” on the pads.  
ConVal Agreement.  Joan has not yet contacted David Martz.   
Town Gym
Update.  There have been no apparent security issues from the lost gym key. New locks will cost $50-60/door. Celeste is working on the replacement with Tim Grossi.
Goodell Park
Eagle Scout Project.  Celeste presented a new Boy Scout request to build a picnic table at Goodell Park as a Life Scout project. Considering the slow progress made on the Eagle Scout project, and the amount of effort put into it by members of the Parks and Rec Commission and the Historical Society Board, the Commission is reluctant to allow another project to begin, especially at the lightly used Goodell Park. A picnic table might be useful, however, at either Memorial Park or the Town Beach. Gordon will speak to the Selectboard regarding the as yet unfinished Eagle Scout project, keeping in mind that Henry Johnson’s father has promised that the remaining elements will be completed. We will also attempt to speak to Scoutmaster Brian Beihl to be sure he is aware of the issue and the reason for the Commission’s reluctance to allow another Scout project on town property.   
Route 9 Rest Area
River Access.  We discussed with Gordon the idea of the town taking over the Route 9 rest area to provide river access and possibly encouraging a business, such as Dunkin Donuts, to use the space.
Memorial Park
Lights.  The lights have been fixed and the timer is now working.
Recreation Department
Update.  Things are busy, but running well, at the recreation department.

Gregg Lake
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  The mysterious structure left on the Point for about two weeks was identified as a noise sensor erected by Antrim Wind to measure noise levels before installation of the wind farm. Celeste is getting quotes for replacing the shed doors at the beach. Funds will be available from government buildings.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be moved to Thursday, March 3th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office due to a conflict with Town Meeting on March 10th.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary